Not a few parents are aware of changes in behavior in children when they are at a certain age range, or when growing up. Children become more likely to argue with parents or even lie. If the cause is not immediately identified, deviant behavior in children can lead to juvenile delinquency or crime in adulthood. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, deviant behavior is the response, actions, or behavior of a person to the environment that is contrary to the laws and norms that exist in society. Deviant behavior is also known as social deviation and the culprit is called deviant. Examples of deviant behavior in children include lying, cheating, and stealing. A study found that deviant behavior develops since the child is very young, and is closely related to the closeness of children with parents. The magnitude of this comparison is greater than the deviant behavior that develops in adulthood. In addition to age and parental factors, there are also other factors that cause chil...