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Mother, Know the Benefits of Rotavirus Vaccine for Your Little One Here

Rotavirus vaccine is an important vaccine to protect the health of your child. This vaccine is useful to protect your baby from various diseases caused by rotavirus, one of which is severe dehydration due to acute diarrhea that can cause death. Rotavirus vaccine is an appropriate step to protect infants and children from gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and intestine). Symptoms include acute diarrhea, vomiting, fever, difficult or unwilling children to eat and drink, and stomach pain. The rotavirus virus generally attacks infants and children and can cause severe dehydration, and can even lead to death if not treated promptly. The good news, you can protect Little One with a safe and effective rotavirus vaccine. Rotavirus is very contagious and easily spreads through physical contact from person to person. Rotavirus is found in the feces of an infected person and can last a long time on the surface of contaminated objects, including one's hands. The spread of rotavirus infection is a special problem in hospitals and in day care centers, where its spread can be easily transmitted from child to child. The virus is also easily spread by child care workers, especially when they change diapers without washing their hands afterwards. Parents and families who care for babies also need to wash their hands frequently when changing diapers to prevent this virus from being transmitted. Cleanliness and good sanitation cannot effectively stop the spread of rotavirus. So, immunization is the best defense you can do. Every baby who receives this oral vaccine will not experience diarrhea due to rotavirus. Almost all who receive the vaccine are protected from severe diarrhea. Signs of severe dehydration due to diarrhea are: decreased awareness, nausea, vomiting, children do not want to eat or drink, weakness, feet and hands felt cold, children do not pee, fast pulse, sunken eye bags, no tears when crying, and tightness breath. This condition is a serious condition that must be treated immediately by giving fluids to rehydrate the child, giving medicines to treat diarrhea, and strict monitoring to assess the child's condition.

Best Age Recommendation and the Right Dose of Rotavirus Vaccine

At present, in Indonesia there are two types of vaccines, namely vaccines given at the age of two months, four months and six months; and vaccines given at two months and four months. Unlike vaccines in general, rotavirus vaccine is given by mouth (oral), not by injection (injection). If your baby has not received the first dose of vaccine when he was 15 weeks old, talk to your doctor whether your child can catch up with this vaccine. Rotavirus vaccine is not recommended for babies older than 8 months, because there is not enough evidence to show the effectiveness of this vaccine in older infants. In addition, there is some evidence that shows adverse reactions if given at the age of 8 months, one of which is fever and allergies. Here are some conditions that children may not receive the rotavirus vaccine:
  • Infants less than 6 weeks old.
  • Infants 8 months or older.
  • Your baby is allergic to previous rotavirus vaccines and their contents. Be sure to tell your doctor if your baby has severe allergies, including latex allergy.
  • Babies have suffered from intussusception (intestinal disorders that make some intestines fold and infiltrate other segments of the intestine). One to two weeks after receiving the rotavirus vaccine, infants are at risk of developing intussusception recurrence.
  • Babies with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). SCID is a rare hereditary disease, but it can be life threatening and can affect the body's ability to fight infection. It often results in chronic diarrhea and impaired growth.
  • Infants suffering from immune system disorders and digestive diseases need special attention before being given the rotavirus vaccine. If your child is experiencing mild illness, the rotavirus vaccine can still be given. However, always consult the condition of your baby to the doctor.
  • Infants with spina bifida (birth defects characterized by the appearance of a gap in the spinal cord) or bladder exstrophy (birth defects involving the bladder). Because this vaccine contains latex, and the two diseases above can increase the risk of allergic reactions in latex.

Rotavirus Vaccine Side Effects You Need to Know

Generally, the rotavirus vaccine has a small risk of side effects. Severe allergic reactions are rarely found, but there is still a possibility that it might occur. Signs of an allergic reaction include difficulty breathing, wheezing sounds on the breath, pale face, and rapid heartbeat. Some mild side effects that generally occur such as easy fussing, diarrhea, and vomiting. If your child seems to experience abdominal pain, bloody stool, or start vomiting, immediately take it to the doctor. Keep in mind, the rotavirus vaccine contains a live virus that can infect others, especially in people with weakened immune systems. Be careful when you throw diapers and don't forget to wash your hands frequently to prevent the spread of the virus. Given the high incidence of diarrhea in Indonesia, which is around 5.4 million cases according to the 2015 Riskesdas survey, with most vulnerable groups affected by infants and children, rotavirus immunization can be one way to prevent gastroenteritis, as well as by maintaining good hygiene and healthy behavior (PHBS). Immunization with the rotavirus vaccine is also one of the types of immunizations recommended by the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI).


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